Marital Satisfaction Inventory

Marital Satisfaction Inventory, Revised (MSI-R)

The level of marital satisfaction of forty married couples (eighty individuals) at the Africa Inland Church Jericho, Nairobi, Kenya, with the view to inform premarital counseling practices in Kenya. This aim was accomplished through the use the revised Marital Satisfaction Inventory (MSI-R) to measure marital satisfaction in thirteen marriage. 32-item scale designed to measure one’s satisfaction in a relationship. The scale has a variety of items with different response scales and formats. The authors have also specified that the scale safely be shrunk to either a 16-item format or even a 4-item format depending on a researcher’s needs. Abstracts of Selected Related Articles.

D.K. Snyder, Ph.D

Use the MSI-R with any couple-traditional or nontraditional

Widely used to assess the nature and extent of conflict within a marriage or relationship, the MSI-R helps couples communicate hard-to-express feelings, providing an easy, economical way to gather information about a broad range of issues.

And, because the items refer to “partner” and “relationship” rather than “spouse” and “marriage,” the test is useful with both traditional and nontraditional couples.

The MSI-R can be administered and hand scored in just 25 minutes. Yet it addresses every important aspect of the relationship.

Each partner responds to 150 True-False items (129 if the couple has no children), which cover the following dimensions of marital interaction:

  • Affective Communication
  • Role Orientation
Marital satisfaction inventory free download
  • Problem-Solving Communication
  • Aggression
  • Family History of Distress
  • Time Together
  • Dissatisfaction With Children
  • Disagreement About Finances
  • Conflict Over Child Rearing
  • Sexual Dissatisfaction
Marital Satisfaction Inventory
  • Global Distress

Two additional scales indicate inconsistency and a tendency to respond in an unrealistically positive manner.

Quickly compare the concerns of each partner

Marital Satisfaction Inventory Pdf

Scores for both partners can be plotted on a single profile (on the Auto-scoreTM Answer Form), using sex-specific norms. This gives you a quick, graphic comparison of the two sets of scores. The profile illuminates the primary concerns of each partner, clearly indicating differences in their perceptions of the relationship.

The MSI-R Auto-scoreTM Answer Form makes it easy to hand score the test. However, you also have the option of computer scoring and interpretation via CD. The one option will provide scoring only whilst the other option will provide computer scoring wiht a complete interpretive report. (The program can generate separate reports for each partner as well as a combined report.)

The test was standardised on a sample of 2,040 people (1,020 intact couples), ranging in age from late teens through early 90s and approximating the U.S. population in regard to geographic region, education, and ethnicity.

Help couples articulate their discontent

Marital Satisfaction Inventory Snyder

The MSI-R is an excellent way to begin marital therapy. Administered prior to the first interview, it helps couples articulate their discontent. And it gives you clear guidelines for subsequent treatment.

Marital Satisfaction Inventory Pdf Free

In addition, the test can help identify relationship issues that may be contributing to individual or family problems, such as depression, substance abuse, or trouble with children or adolescents. It can also be used in premarital counseling and with separated couples who are considering reconciliation.

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