Mega Man X Corrupted

YMMV / Mega Man X Corrupted. Mega Man X Corrupted. Awesome Art: The game's sprites are a mix between the 16-bit colors and designs of X1-X3 and the 32-bit sizes and details of X4-X6, making for a unique yet nostalgic style. Awesome Music: Dominic Ninmark (a.k.a. Nitroflash), the game's composer, did an awesome job with the soundtrack. Re: Mega Man X: Corrupted (flash fangame) Reply #1072 on: October 15, 2010, 02:53:28 PM I edited the japanese names of the weapons, adding the literal translation of lightning rod and names for the two attacks that were recently revealed, as well as the techniques used in old games that appear in this one.

Mega Man X Corrupted Demo

Megaman x corrupted. Fictional Character. In the absence of an official Mega Man X title (c'mon, Capcom), fan-game Mega Man X: Corrupted continues to unhinge jaws everywhere. Developer JKB Games recently posted a full-walkthrough of the Sea Wreckage stage featuring Zero - and it hits all the right notes. From level design and animation to the music and SFX, there's a little something.

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Mega Man X: Corrupted Download

  • Awesome Art: The game's sprites are a mix between the 16-bit colors and designs of X1-X3 and the 32-bit sizes and details of X4-X6, making for a unique yet nostalgic style.
  • Awesome Music: Dominic Ninmark (a.k.a. Nitroflash), the game's composer, did an awesome job with the soundtrack. It uses instruments from the first three SNES X games and combines them for some truly impressive compositions. Listen to it here.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • Zero's Viral Armor is quite popular and has lots of a fanart already.
    • Strike is popular in his own right, due to his status as a cool-looking Knight of Cerebus with Laughing Mad tendencies.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Neurohack Mosquito's Desperation Attack has him summon a huge mecha to attack you with. Sometime later, an official Mega Man game, Mega Man 11, has one of its robot masters Block Man use this as their desperation attack too.
  • Most Wonderful Sound:
    • The game incorporates both the SNES and PSX charge-up sounds. X and Zero primarily use the former, while the latter is used for Ride Armor weapons.
    • The black hole ability and Strike's charge shot make a deep, satisfying warp sound. Funnily enough, it comes from when a boss health meter appears in Mega Man X7, of all places.
  • Tear Jerker: Sparkling Scorpio's fate is just tragic. The pre-battle dialogue shows that he's a decent Reploid who's in pain from the power plant's power surge, which drives him mad just as X/Zero tries to extract him peacefully, forcing them to fight. It even implies that he was put there against his will, considering that X's dialogue doesn't even hint at Scorpio doing any shady business unlike his reaction to most Mavericks in the series.
    Scorpio: You have to let me out of here! The power, it hurts, I can't take this pain anymore!
    X: Calm down, Scorpio, it'll be alright. Just let us deactivate you and we'll get you to safety.
    Scorpio: ...kzzt... wHo ArE yOu!? gEt AwAy frOm mE! MakE iT ...kzzt... sTOp!!
    X: Dammit, his AI is fried from the power surge. It looks like I'll have to do this the hard way.

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