Battlefield Bad Company 2 Crack Only

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Link for the patch: kollo set wela bad company 2 gahanna kamathi nam comment ekak danna.Me t. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v1.0.1.0 +3 TRAINER #1; Battlefield: Bad Company 2 R10 v602574 +4 TRAINER; Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v1.6 (v602574) +1 TRAINER; Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v529843, v589035 & v602574 +5 TRAINER; Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v602574 UNLOCKER; Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v1.5 +7 TRAINER; Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v1.5 +1. Torrent:code: F59H-D5LE-2RHR-J2RA-WRLDIf code does not work PM or comment. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 v1.1 All No-DVD Reloaded.

Prologue - Operation Aurora

Get close to the guard on the left and knife him
Go up the stairs
Fight through the trenches
Climb up the ladder
Go through the grass
Fight your way to the jeep
Get in and cover the jeeps
Destroy the enemie jeep and don't question why a Japanese jeep has a American machinegun mounted on it
Throw some TNT on to the door and explode it
Fight your way to the submarine and escape

Chapter 1 - Cold War

Wait for the order and kill them
A good idea would be to hit the vodnik with a grenade launcher
Clear the bus and take a right

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Stay in cover inside of that building and clear the area
Maybe destroy a few buildings
Find cover when the tanks gets there
After that destroy it
Run to the left and flank the machinegun thats down the street
Use the grenade launcher to clear the ATV's
You will have only a few seconds to destroy the heli after you get out of the first tunnel

Chapter 2 - Heart of Darkness

Make your way through the village
Defened yourself in the small house
After that take a rocket launcher and destroy the boat, remember to aim a bit in front of it
Take the small boat up river
It might be an ambush, but who cares you have a machinegun
Get to the attack boat and go down the river
You can get out now, or stay there and use the grenade launcher to clear the area
Clear the area of enemies and make your way through it

Chapter 3 - Upriver

Sneak up on the guard and stab him
Wait for the lightning and then shoot
Wait for them to stand like that and then shoot when you hear the lightning
After that rejoin the rest of the squad
Be careful as you go through this area, look for the traps on the ground
Kill the enemies and move on
Start from the guard tower then the others
Jump down in to the river
Don't run too far, you will get swarmed and there isn't a lot of cover, go bit by bit while killing enemies that jump down
Go down hill in to the village
This is why we love Bad Company and other Battlefield games
You could go right and flank the MG, or you know, explode it
Remember, explosives are the answear to everything, I'm serious, take out your grenade launcher and try it
After you realised I'm correct (let's be honest, I'm always correct) go up the road
Battlefield bad company 2 crack only torrentStay in cover and kill them one by one
Remember the rocket launcher you went past? Its there for a reason
After you had your way with the BMP go to your squad
I think its kinda obvious what you are supposed to do (HINT: Shoot him in the head)

Chapter 4 - Crack the Sky

Best way to rain hell is at 6000 RPM, kill the guys with RPG's first then everyone else
The ATV first, then the trucks (shoot the back where the big red barrels are at)
*knock knock* Just joking democracy doesn't knock (neather does Santa)
Up the stairs you go to kill more russians
You know, you could bring a rocket launcher up here and destroy that hind
Its kinda fun, won't do you much good but its kinda fun
After you, uhm, 'liberated' that small village its time to race the remaining russians to the crushing satellite
Once you get to it you will need to defend it
Prioritize the ones with rocket launchers

Chapter 5 - Snowblind

Follow the flares stay near them
Run in to the houses to get warm
Fight your way through the ruins and to the top of the building in front

Chapter 6 - Heavy Metal

You can stay back a bit and snipe the targets to be safe
Hit the anntenas to destroy them
You should stay behind here and snipe or you will probably get swarmed by about 152 rockets, so you know, level the entire area from a distance
After that use the UAV to destroy the marked targets
At the end of the street a BMP will come out, so be ready
Some BPM's are come over the hill, no big deal, snipe away
After you get out mark the targets for a bombing run
In to the destroyed city we go to destroy it a bit more
To the marker and end the mission

Chapter 7 - High Value Target

If you think this is good place for an ambush...
...It is
Kill the guys with rocket launchers and all is good
Again, the ones with rocket launchers and the other ones aren't that important
After the entire car ride goes to shit, mark the AA gun for a bombing run
Fun fact, if you don't pick this gun up now, you will not be able to do that ever again (its just behind you)
Make your way through what was a town before your friendly neighbourhood arrtilery flattened
Go to the end of the tunnel and finnish the level

Chapter 8 - Sangre de Toro

You could run him over, or hit him with a grenade, or stop near him and shoot him...or maybe let him live, but why should you
You don't need to follow this order, but lets go to the castle first
Mind the enemies above you
You should find cover, but not any kind of cover, cover that is going to take a lot of bullets and grenades, this area will be full of enemies so you know, lock and load
Clear the area and get to the computers
Now we go to the mountain fortress
Follow the paths and look for enemies on the rocks
You could look around and take one of the RPG's
Or be a smartass and destroy it like this
Get to the computers... Crack
And get to the last location
You should stop before the road block or this might happen
Lots and lots of could beat them in their own game or you know...RPG
Follow the road and the speed limit, its gonna be hard to get up if you fall off the road too far
That was the second last
Now back down the hill for the last one
There we go
And to actually find the ship
Shoot the explosive barrels to drop the container
Just avoid everyone and cram yourself in there
Go around the ship untill you get to the marker

Chapter 9 - No One Gets Left Behind

After you land make your way to the two houses
Time for some high quallity .50 calliber fun
Try and get this guys as soon as they spawn, they are rather annoying
You should invest in the RPG in the back, or you know, mad man style with C4
After that follow the road
Go down hill and get ready for a larget gun fight
After you go through the camp get on to the ATV, its time for a race
I was gonna put a knock knock joke here and a lame pun, but I was lazy, clickclick
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You could get in that hind and use the machine gun, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, but it might be easier
Get to the heli to escape, side note, don't and I mean DO NOT shoot the explosives or hit them with a grenade...
Or you are gonna have about no HP on the heli...18? REALLY?!
I'm going to go ahead and guess that this fight would end in something like blackhawk down...but its a game and you're an american shooting a russian heli...just stay on target you will drop it rather quickly
After you destroy the tower look to your right

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If you don't kill them you won't be get far
Then the one on top of the hill
Another hind, not gonna question why one seat is empty or why the one that isn't is occupied by what looks like the missing link in evolution

Chapter 10 - Zero Dark Thirty

Follow your squad through the jungle
Get in cover and destroy the MG then take out the others one by one
Then go through the town, oh yeah, and shoot those red barrels, it will make your life a lot easier
Go down the stairs and get bombarded by mortars (yeay)
Wait for the rest of the squad then run to the next cover
And after that in to the...uhm...not tunnel...dammnit I shouldn't write this in 4 in the morning...the drain pipes? Seweg pipes? I don't know what, just jump in there to get away from the mortars
If you pick that sniper riffle you will make your life a bit easier
Clear the building in front of russians and move on
This is where it gets tricky, stay in cover on the sides, get the RPG on the left, destroy the truck, then the one behind that one, then kill all the other russians...this might actually not be as hard as I thought, but I did do this about 2 hours after my birthday party and I was slitely tipsy and tired
Go in to the sewers (yes I'm sure this are sewers)
After you jump down...
Start running back

Chapter 11 - Force Multiplier

Follow the path and kill the hordes of russians on the side
After you clear them keep going, Tedie, how do you actually check the guides, do you play through the game following the guide, or just check if it makes since and is ok?
Shoot a grenade at that fuel tank, is it ok to leave the last question and this in or will I have to remove them after you read this?
Go through the sewers and get to the ladder

Chapter 12 - Airborne

Run up to the first one and stab him
Then move back while you reload and shoot the next one, don't try to stab him you can't
Get ammo and continue killing russians
From this point on, you can just run as fast as you can while shooting your fully automatic shotgun

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After that shoot the spinning ball to destroy it
Preaty colors

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Now, this is what they call banzai parachuting (you throw your parachute out then you throw yourself after it), shoot (if I said russian again, this guide would have been banned in russia for showing them as bad people, as if they cared, looking at you china), Kirilenko and get your parachute (note: actual banzai parachuting does not involve shooting peolpe in at least 87% cases)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Crack Only Download

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Crack Only

You get your parachute, land, you are happy, Sarge talks about retirment, but wait, it isn't over yet, more russians...but not in this game

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